Kill Art Manifesto, 2011
1. The widespread colonialism of “art” is now dead. The past is among its victims. The discovered worlds of the Non-West are among its victims. The future is among its victims.
2. The disgraceful word has destroyed the ability to appreciate objects and their splendor.
3. A new consciousness has been brought to return power back to the pure experiencers—the brave beings that have the courage to see like a child and disregard classifications.
4. The dogmas and domination over the individual is now lifted by the death of “art”.
5. The Kill Art founders now call upon all who believe in the reformation of the now disgraced word “xxx” to annihilate its remnants from museums, galleries, culture, life, and language and discussions that in any way prevent the pure experience of our lives and its objects.
6. The “artists” of today have been working under the imperial dominion of “xxx” and have now been set free from the implicit constraints of the categorization of “xxxxxx”.
7. From now on, those who were formally insulted with the term “xxxxxx” will forever more been known as “makers”, “producers”, “beings”, “forms”, “live-ers”, or any other non-colonizing term by which they wish to be referred, if at all.
8. From this moment forward, what was formerly the Kill Art Manifesto shall now be referred to as the Kill XXX Manifesto.
9. Co-operation in this movement is possibly by:
I. Sending critical, philosophical, literary, performance or material and immaterial articles.
II. Translating articles into different languages or distributing thoughts published in by Kill XXX.
III. Destroying all printed materials containing the disgraced words: “xxx” and “xxxxxx” as well as individuals that use these disgraced words, including this one.
Signatures of the present collaborators:
JAHFRE COLBERT, thinking being/ CARA PENTECOST, maker/ ANNA CRUZ,live-er / BORIS UGARTECHEA, uncategorized
I would posit that the terms "makers", "producers", "beings" etc, are no more precise than the excommunicated term "xxx". Some degree of language precision is important so as to facilitate reasonably rapid understanding of the objects & concepts under consideration. These may be simple as in "painter", "sculptor" and "consumers of ___", or more complex as in "mixed element performer".
ReplyDeleteThe above discussion brings in the broader debate of definition. In its bombast against categorization based on traditional values & criteria, the Manifesto virtually excludes no human (or even animal?) activity that anyone wants to purport as having transcendental value. With no implied exclusions the Manifesto can be interrupted as advocating relativistic anarchy. Is this a correct accusation?
The author posits:
ReplyDeleteAnarchy is freedom.